Role Composition

Role Composition Popularity


This first graph simply shows the popularity of different competitive team compositions in the last 60 days. You can zoom in on the most popular ten compositions by checking “Most Popular”, or see all compositions by unchecking it.

Role Composition Comparison

Selected Composition

This second graph shows a breakdown of how a given composition fares against all the other compositions. For the composition entered at the top, it shows the compositions it definitely wins against (in green), the compositions it definitely loses against (in red), and any data it has on the others (in yellow). A composition always ties against itself (in blue).

As before, you can zoom in on the most popular ten compositions by checking “Most Popular”, or see all compositions by unchecking it.

The height of the bar indicates the best guess for winrate, while the whiskers mark out a 95% confidence interval (95% of the time, the true winrate falls somewhere between the two marks).

This graph is based on competitive PC data from the last 60 days. It ignores matches played by bad players and looks only at matches with balanced team ratings.

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